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Botulinum toxin (Botox)

For smoother skin, smoother wrinkles, a more open look and a more rested and relaxed face.

Prevention & Treatment of Wrinkles

For a smoother face, relaxed skin and an open look

Botulinum toxin (botox) is a natural protein substance synthesized by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, with exceptional neuromuscular properties.

This drug has been used since 1989 in a large number of medical indications, in neurology, ophthalmology, urology, pediatrics... It was in 1992 that its use became common in aesthetic medicine.

Botox injections, in very low doses, and in a medical setting, are used to temporarily block or weaken the muscles responsible for facial expressions, which participate in the installation or accentuation of expression lines. Thus, injected into certain muscles of the skin, ce treatment prevents or treats the appearance of wrinkles.

The skin is smoother, wrinkles are smoothed out, the eyes are more open and the face appears more rested and relaxed. For very deep wrinkles, this treatment may be limited or insufficient, and other techniques may be necessary to remove them.


Additional Information

The treatment

The treatment consists of injecting botulinum toxin in liquid form using extremely fine needles, which makes the injection almost painless. The muscles usually injected in aesthetic medicine are those of the glabella (inter-brow muscles), the forehead and the orbital rim.

The doses are subtly adapted to the morphology of the muscles and the anatomy of the patient, on a case by case basis. The desired effect of relaxation or immobilization of the muscles is temporary and lasts from 4 to 6 months.

It is also delayed by a few days after the injection and reaches its peak after 15 to 30 days. The injection of botulinum toxin can be associated with the injection of hyaluronic acid.

Immediate aftermath of the injections

Redness and swelling may appear and persist for a few minutes to an hour after the injection. This treatment does not require a work stoppage and patients can resume their activities immediately. No social eviction is required.

However, it is recommended to avoid lying down, putting the head down or completely backwards, massaging the injection areas, doing intensive sports, wearing a helmet, a cap or a hat that is too tight as well as swimming goggles in the four hours following the procedure. Also avoid exposure to high temperatures (sun, sauna or steam room) for 24 hours.

Undesirable side effects

Hematomas or bruises are possible as with any injection. Headaches are quite frequent, lasting one to several days. A transient dryness of the eyes is rarely observed. A transient edema of the eyelids is sometimes observed. Nerve injury is exceptional. The main inconvenient complication related to the action of botulinum toxin is the temporary undesired paralysis of another muscle of the face and a discrete relaxation of the eyelid or the eyebrow. These side effects are temporary, lasting from a few days to one month.


They are few: myasthenia, neuromuscular diseases, treatment with aminoglycosides, pregnancy, breastfeeding, allergy to botulinum toxin.

Horaires du secrétariat

Monday – Friday : 9h00 – 20h00
Saturday : 9h00 – 12h00
Sunday : Fermé

Excellent doctor doesn't push for consumption and gives an objective and honest opinion even if it is not necessarily in the patient's direction. I recommend him 100%. Thanks to him.

Hanan Touati

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